> Hamarey Articles: Eat low glycemic food to stay energetic during exams

Eat low glycemic food to stay energetic during exams

With exams around the corner, parents are geared up for a psychological battle.But getting the child to study is only half the battle won.The rest of the strategy must focus on ensuring that the child cultivates the right attitude to deal with the burden of continued stress.
Concerned parents must also feed the right food so that the brain can deal with the high demand placed on its parts deal with memory, retention and quick thinking.

Research has found that when blood sugar levels dip, the brain feels the pinch first.The brain cells need twice the amount of energy that is required by other body cells because it is constantly involved with metabolic activity (like repair) as well as communication between nerve signals.
So, when the blood sugar level falls the brain begins to falter and the memory centre called hippocampus begins to totter. So, even if your child has learnt everything, if he or she is highly stressed out or has not eaten sensible pre-exam food, the memory is likely to suffer a short-circuit.So, sensible eating is better than dashing off without any food. The best will be to eat low glycemic food.
Eating starchy or sugary breakfasts or meals just before the exam will not provide energy to last till the end of the exam.

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